Dodger from Bob Dolgan on Vimeo.
"Dodger" is a micro-short documentary about an endangered Piping Plover spending the winter on frozen Montrose Beach in Chicago. The bird became the first known Piping Plover to be seen into January in Illinois. The story presaged the arrival of the beloved Piping Plover pair, Monty and Rose, who have called Chicago home the past two summers. Dodger is 1 minute, 52 seconds long and available at This Week in Birding ( and on Vimeo.
Dodger is a TURNSTONE film produced in association with This Week in Birding. It was directed and produced by Bob Dolgan and filmed and edited by Mitchell Wenkus. It features comments from Dolgan and Geoff Williamson of Third Coast Birding and original music by Staś Gunkel.
Dodger is a TURNSTONE film produced in association with This Week in Birding. It was directed and produced by Bob Dolgan and filmed and edited by Mitchell Wenkus. It features comments from Dolgan and Geoff Williamson of Third Coast Birding and original music by Staś Gunkel.